On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Sonia Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mary Gardiner wrote:
>> However, the reported contents of his /home is rather odd.
>>> From his original mail:
>>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home$ ls
>>     bin    dev     initrd.img      media  root  tmp      vmlinuz.old
>>     boot   etc     initrd.img.old  mnt    sbin  usr
>>     cdrom  home    lib             opt    srv   var
>>     david  initrd  lost+found      proc   sys   vmlinuz
>> That does rather look like somehow things that should be in / have been
>> copied
>> to or installed in /home.
> Yes, looks like someone has made a mistake installing/migrating a system.

Or mounted what was intended to be the root partition under /home.

Try to edit the GRUB config file (usually /boot/grub/menu.lst) to tell
it to use your what is now mounted at /home (find it from "mount" or
"df") as the root partition ("/").

Be careful with what you do there, though.

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