Adrian Chadd wrote:

The trouble is that the entry barrier for coding is so low, you can
"code" without any "clue".

This very issue gave rise to some heated debate over on the LINK mailing
list, which some of you attend.

Many of us computer "professionals" were peeved by this low barrier to
entry into the software industry. Computer software creation is not a
certified profession like engineering. There are far toomany shiesters out
there peddling crap software because they can. This gives rise to many
many problems in IT.

I guess I am lucky enough to see the other side of the story.. both here and overseas..

When I was growing up, there wasn't enough money for university. So accreditation was frankly impossible - only open to kids with richer parents. Those more privileged than myself.

Through hard work.. way more than getting a degree.. I hacked out a career in software. Against all the odds..

Living I get from it now is not too bad..

Recently, in my travels and open source exploits, I have had the privilege to help young programming hopefuls in poor countries get runs on the board to enable them to then go off and get proper paid work in their own countries. They do some coding, i pay them and give them a reference.

Often they go off to bigger and better things..

It's been tremendously rewarding...

I wouldn't say that the quality of these young hopefuls is any less good than a university student of the same age....

At the end of the day... software is judged by whether it works for the customer or not. Not whether it has a long list of accreditations.

If you want to find "toomany shiesters out there peddling crap"... I suggest you go look in the accreditation industry.... is it little more than selling pretentious scout badges to detract from the quality of the software ?

Seriously... how many of the worlds best open source projects are properly "accredited" from the start ?


lets keep the self balancing system.....


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