Some more info would help..

1. What Nvidia card model
2. What distro and version
3. Are you using the nv driver or the nvidia driver, if the later what 
version ?

I have had a hell of a time with Kubuntu and my nvidia graphics card (GF 420) 
that was until I discovered "envy". Envy downloads and installs the latest 
nvidia driver for you (including compiling the driver against your kernel) 
and even assists you to setup the Xorg.conf file.

Envy works with ATi and Nvidia cards and can be run from the command line or 
graphically (although you still start it from the command line).


On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:42:27 pm Heracles wrote:
> I have a rather strange problem in that when I start my system
> occasionally it stops at the point where the nvidia screen should flash
> and will not continue. It locks out the mouse and keyboard and I have to
> turn the box off and restart (pressing the cold restart button comes
> back to the same point). It will then, mostly, start up properly and I
> have no further problems whilst the machine is running.
> This problem happens occasionally and I was wondering if it could be the
> video card.
> I think that my problem with prboom and prboom-plus may be related as
> both bring up the Doom2 start screen and will (after a wait of a couple
> of minutes) run the demo but if I start a game It works until I press a
> key and then freezes.
> This is the only part of syslog that I could find that may be a clue but
> I am not sure how to fix it. It looks like a video or nvidia driver
> problem. Any ideas appreciated.
> ===========================================================================
>================== Jun 18 09:38:45 heracles gdmgreeter[5920]: Gtk-CRITICAL:
> gtk_tree_view_get_selection: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (tree_view)'
> failed
> Jun 18 09:38:45 heracles gdmgreeter[5920]: Gtk-CRITICAL:
> gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SELECTION
> (selection)' failed
> Jun 18 09:38:45 heracles gdmgreeter[5920]: Gtk-CRITICAL:
> gtk_tree_selection_select_iter: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SELECTION
> (selection)' failed
> Jun 18 09:38:45 heracles gdmgreeter[5920]: Gtk-CRITICAL:
> gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (tree_view)'
> failed
> Jun 18 09:39:03 heracles pulseaudio[6105]: alsa-util.c: Device front:0
> doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 48000 Hz.
> Jun 18 09:39:03 heracles pulseaudio[6105]: alsa-util.c: Device front:0
> doesn't support 44100 Hz, changed to 48000 Hz.
> ===========================================================================
> Heracles

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