I've already written directly to Chris, who sent me a copy of one of the photos he's having problems with. Thought other people might like to know of one solution.

Strip out the EXIF (1) data in the photo and all is well.

Imagemagick will do this for you:

mogrify -strip <name of file>

Or for every photo in the directory, use:

mogrify -strip *.jpg (or whatever the extension is).



(1) Wikipedia: EXIF

[SLUG] opening a photo in GIMP
Sun, 07 Sep 2008 11:12:10 +1000

I have copied a set of photos from my digital camera for re-processing
in GIMP. GIMP says it can't open them. "Plug-in could not open image" They are all JPG files 0372 x 2305 pixels (2.93 MB)
Can any one advise how to resolve this problem (or a better forum)?

PS I have no trouble viewing them on screen.  However I need to reduce
their size for us in ID cards and and posting to the web.

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