This one time, at band camp, SMITH GARETH wrote:

> If you're a techno head and want to view an UNCENSORED content get an
> UNCENSORED CONNECTION. EG a business connection and censor it yourself. 

No.  The point of the proposed internet censorship regime is it is 

> Whouldn't it be great if the ISP provided an content filter at the ISP
> level where you can manage your own content. You login and unrestrict
> the content you want to view. 

Their are indeed ISPs that provide this service.  You are free to use 
one.  I don't want to and resent you trying to force me to not have the 
option to be uncensored.

> Now tell me how do you stop your children from connecting to porn sites
> from their mobile phone?

This has already happened.  Look at the ACMA site.  However, like all 
these filtering systems, it isn't 100% effective.

> The internet web content is already censored!!! But we don't have
> control over it. If your under the impression that the internet is
> uncensored you need to realise that it already is.

Incorrect.  You are clearly misinformed.  There is no government 
filtering of the Internet in Australia.  If the site is hosted in 
Australia, the government is able to get the site taken down.  In all 
other circumstances, it is only filtered in the government-approved 
client-side filtering systems.

> Illigal content like online gambling and terrorist information is
> already blocked.

Online gambling is not illegal.  Nor are either types of information 

> Schools and public computers are already censored with strict content
> filtering policies. Why not filter it at the ISP and not at the client
> site.

Sure.  As an option available to consumers it already is.

> LET THE ISP'S MANAGE THE FILTERING. I know I don't want to pay for the
> download of a site that ends up being blocked by my content filter. We
> are we paying for downloads that we don't want. 

Feel free.

> By default the SEX companies shouldn't be able to propogate PORN to our
> children by default.

By default corporations shouldn't be able to propogate unhealthy foods 
to our children by default.  When is my position going to be imposed on 
the entire population?

> I used to manage content filters for multiple businesses and managing
> client side content filters are annoying. I don't want to do this but
> the reality is we need content filtering!!

So pay someone else to do it.

> Why should schools pay for the bandwidth of content that just gets
> stripped out by your content filter anyway.

I don't think you understand how filtering works.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Because nerds travel too.

 "The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit."
- Somerset Maugham
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