== October SLUG Monthly Meeting ==

You can read the full version of this announcement on the Web at

   18.30 - 20.30, Friday, 31 October, 2008

We start at 18:30 but we ask that people arrive 15 minutes early so we
can all get into the building and start on time. Please do not arrive
before 18:00, as it may hinder business activities for our host!

Appropriate signage and directions will be posted on the building.

   Atlassian[0], 173-185 Sussex Street, Sydney
   (corner of Sussex and Market Street)

Entry is via the rear on Slip Street. There are stairs going down along
the outside of building from Sussex St to near the entrance. A map of
the area and directions can be found here[1].

= Talks =

** General Talk **
Mary Gardiner: Precious precious data, keeping it safe the sane way

Your data is vulnerable to loss in all kinds of ways, from earthquakes
and invasions on down. Home users are most vulnerable to data loss
through user error, software failure and media failure. This talk will
outline good backup practices for Linux home users who are concerned
with keeping their email, homework, code, novel drafts and photos safe
for the long term. I will review various tools and approaches for
keeping your data safe from all three of user error, software failure
and media failure.

** In-Depth Talk **
Ken Yap: Running a production firewall inside a virtual machine for
fun, if not profit

Can a border firewall be run inside VirtualBox? Is it safe? Why
would you want to do such a thing anyway? In this talk I will explain how I
installed IPCop, a Linux firewall distro, to run inside a Virtualbox
instance on an Ubuntu host.

** SLUGlets **
General discussion and Q&A about Linux, free software and open source.

= Meeting Schedule =

See here[2] for an explanation of the segments.

    * 18:15 : Open Doors
    * 18:30 : Announcements, News, Introductions
    * 18:45 : General Talk
    * 19:30 : Intermission
    * 19:45 : Split into two groups for
        * In-depth Talk
        * SLUGlets
    * 20:30 : Dinner

Dinner is at Golden Harbour Restaurant, in Chinatown. We will be having
the $24 Banquet[3], but we will be collecting $25 per head for ease of
accounting and to cover a tip. We will be taking numbers during the
break to confirm the reservation size. If you have any particular
dietary requirements (e.g. vegetarian), or if you would prefer to order
separately, let us know beforehand. Dinner is a great way to socialise
and learn in a relaxed atmosphere :)

We hope to see you there!

[0] http://www.atlassian.com
[1] http://tinyurl.com/35fxes
[2] http://www.slug.org.au/meetings/meetingformat
[3] http://www.goldenharbour.com.au/specials.html
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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