Others have raved about Django and mentioned Rails - I'll rave about Rails :-)

I confess that in the mid 90's I was an Access programmer; I find programming in Rails to be almost as easy as Access programming, but giving you a web frontend on an open-source stack.

When I was researching frameworks a few years ago, what tipped me towards Rails was that there was a lot more books available for Rails than Django, and this still seems to be the case. Pragmatic Programmers have a lot of Ruby/Rails books, but for a beginner I would recommend "Build your own Ruby on Rails Web Applications", Lenz, published by Sitepoint.


Sebastian wrote:
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Hi all,

this is a bit OT but as I want to do it at home on my linux box I
thought I ask here for some guidance.

For a bigger project at work I set up a access database a while ago -
it does the job but I would like to get away from access.
The database is basically a large list of past job/FEAdesigns for
later reference. At some stage I wanted to import/export from and to
out FEA software (a text file).

I have to admit my knowledge in Access is not huge but I would be even
more keen on learning something more open. I know a bit of VBA and
HTML which is why I thought could there something be done with PHP and

I would prefer to have the reporting and data entry done in a web based format.

Are there any simple good options?

Thanks for any ideas.


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