Have a similar problem with an 8 gb thumb drive.

Haven't worried too much about it as I have several others, but so far I've put the "problem" down to the mobo not fitting tight enough against the back-plate of the case, thus that particular thumb-drive doesn't quite fit in deep enough for a good connection.

Just a thought.



[SLUG] MP3 player mounting on old machine but not new machine
elliott-brennan <elliottbren...@gmail.com>
Fri, 26 Dec 2008 15:21:34 +1100


Hi all,

After the HDD died in my machine, I took the
opportunity to upgrade to a new machine, so built
a Quad-core 2.8Ghz machine with an ASUS  P5QC mobo.

We bought our daughter a Samsung Pebble (very
small digital music device. Very cute). It mounts
easily on the machine I built for her (1.2? Ghz P4
Abit mobo - I think).

I've installed GOS on it. Very pretty looking and
an easy install. Now, on her machine, using the
USB adapter this little Pebble shows up as a mass
storage device. Easy. GOS uses Ubuntu 8.04 as it's

My machine has Kubuntu 8.04 installed. It does not
see the Pebble at all.

dmesg shows no activity when I plug in the device.

lsusb does not show the drive.

fdisk -l does not show the drive

Searching /dev for /sd named devices does not show
the device either.

I've also tried this device in my wife's eeepc. Nada.

Another thing, in case it's relevant. The device
has three partitions (can't remember what two are
called, but one is called 'music').

I'm a bit clueless at this moment. Anyone with any
ideas? I'm assuming it has something to do with
the older machine have the older model USB
adapters, but given the device is brand new
(they're quite new to the market) I'd have thought
I'd have had more problems with the device on the
old machine.

Regards and a Happy New Year,


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