Rick Welykochy wrote:
Out of curiosity, how does the price of an SD or HD
do it yourself pvr-style setup, e.g. MythTV or other,
compare to paying for a pvr from Topfield or Beyonwiz?

SD Topfield ... approx $700.00, with 200 GB HDD

HD Beyonwiz ... approx $1200.00, with 320 GB HDD

I've had an SD toppy for, oh, four years now. Only hiccup
was a damaged IR pickup which was repaired under warranty.
Live TV? What is that?

The only downside to the two PVRs I have played with: their
software is riddled with bugs. Not show stoppers, but real
annoying little gnats that have insane workarounds. These
machines are software heavy but ... sigh.


Ballparks for a DIY machine.
Silverstone case  $200
600W power supply $60

Core 2 Duo CPU, $150
Motherboard      $130
Video Card          $100 (get an nvidia 8xxx or better for vdapu)
RAM 2GB             $50

Tuners, 2x @$50 $100

Then add hard drives, 1TB at $178 each.

so a $1200 total gets you 2TB worth of storage.

Thats a pretty top of the line machine, If you go with the new VDAPU based stuff, you can probably get a base system for the $300 ballpark with a mini-itx board and onboard video etc, good for being quiet as well.

don't scrimp on the case and PSU get something decent and pretty, it'll do wonders for the wife acceptance factor, and it'll help it with the quietness

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