I burned off Smoothwall, IPCop, Clark Connect, Monowell and pfSense.

I installed all of them and spent around half an hour with each of the web
Shorewall looked promising in theory but did not have Wifi shaping which is
something I was after.

After having a good play with all of them I found pfSense to be the most
complete package, especially it's speed distribution and shaping which is
perfect for my torrent box.

It took 8 minutes to install and about 20 minutes to get working under the
right configuration using it's web interface. It's defaults are also very
sane and were more complete and in my opinion better implemeted than IPCop
which would have been my second favourite from the lot. Again, it did not
have the dynamic shaping, and only supported a 50/50 scenario.

Thanks heaps for the tips !


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Jake Anderson <ya...@vapourforge.com>wrote:

> Glen Cunningham wrote:
>> G'day Harrison,
>> On Monday 02 March 2009 19:57, Blindraven wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> Smoothwall is out of the question due to its lacking NIC driver
>>> support.
>>   Have you considered IPCop <http://www.ipcop.org/> (an early fork from
>> smoothwall) or Endian <http://www.endian.com/en/> (a commercial fork from
>> IPCop).  Both have more hardware support than Smoothwall.
>>   For supported hardware see ...
>> <http://www.ipcop.org/index.php?module=pnWikka&tag=IPCopHCLv01>
>> <http://www.ipcop.org/index.php?module=pnWikka&tag=IPCopIDMap>
>> HTH
>> Glen
> I second IPcop, its really simple to setup, all niceley web based.
> makes life nice and simple, all pointy clicky web based stuff ;->
> I had terrible trouble trying to get PFsense to run a bridged ADSL modem.
> (IE I couldn't get it to work at all)
> some problem with the pppoe thing they started using that can handle
> multiple bridged ADSL connections or something, that's all good, but it
> doesn't seem to work for a single connection any more :-<
> ipcop i was up and running in 15 minutes.
> --
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