        Until recently I've been using a palm-based PDA and jPilot on
the desktop.  My palm alas has died.  So now I want to use my Nokia
E65 phone instead to track appointments, TODos, and PIN numbers (via
gnome-keyring).  It has a much more horrible user interface, but I can
cope for now.

The quastion is, what do I use on my laptop?  What's light weight,
simple, can track appointments, contacts, TODOs, memos and keys, and
can sync with a Nokia?

I looked at Evolution but it wants to do email as well, and with only 256M
memory it's far far too big and slow.

Any ideas?  I'm running Xubuntu (not particularyl light weight, I'm
thinking of switching back to plain old Debian with a custom setup,
and throwing away all the Gnome/HAL/Udev resource hogs)
Dr Peter Chubb  http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au  peterc AT gelato.unsw.edu.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au           ERTOS within National ICT Australia
A university is a non-profit organisation only in the sense that it
spends everything it gets  ... Luca Turin.
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