Andrew Cowie wrote:
On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 13:57 +1000, david wrote:
I'm trying to debug a networkmanager problem.

What version of NetworkManager are you running, on what distro, etc?

Ubuntu 8.10

And, in all consciousness, the connection editor GUI is fairly
comprehensive; what is its UI presenting for this connection? What does the CLI `nm-tool` tell you about the connection?

not enough. The UI differs from the xml file. I've had this type of problem before with NetworkManager. The last time, I couldn't persuade it to remember a search domain (correct in the UI but NetworkManager failed to update resolv.conf), although that suddenly and inexplicably started to work so maybe it was a bug that got fixed in an update? In this case, I'm having trouble with IP number allocation and strange DNS lookup failures, so I thought I would try to debug it myself. NetworkManager does not encourage this approach. If you do "man networkmanager" you will see what I mean. In the "Good Old Days" (tm), everything was pretty much in /etc/network/interfaces. I guess life is more complex now ;-)

[Trying to infer things from an application's stored internal
representation is almost never the right idea. Admittedly your negative
number does indeed seem peculiar, but really it is meaningless until it
has been loaded and interpreted by nm to mean whatever it means to nm]

black box approach? perhaps I should change to windows?

Or, just read the source code to find out how what it is serializing
from in writing this field.

Sadly I am not able read the source code... although that would be a nice idea.

For the record, the sample xml file comes from a box that works perfectly. The one I'm debugging is at work and I didn't have immediate access to it.

Meantime, I can't see what's wrong with adding to my store of knowledge.
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