> Quoting Daniel Pittman <>:
>> More seriously, none of the free Flash replacements worked correctly
>> outside of the Firefox environment when I last tested them, which was
>> very disappointing.
> Flash crashes in Firefox occasionally and gives up on some of my son's
> flash games which frustrates him however I always get good results
> from vlc playing flash.  I use an extension to grab the media file
> then play it outside firefox.

Apropos my other comment, the latest releases of nspluginwrapper support
"native" mode where they run a 32/32 or 64/64 plugin in their out of
process model.

You might find it worthwhile to try that and see if it insulates you
from having the entire browser crash just because flash did.

(Plus, the flashblock extension is your friend, so that you don't get a
 dozen competitive pages with flash at ones, but you probably already
 knew that. :)

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