Matthew Hannigan wrote:
On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 06:28:26PM +1000, david wrote:
I was pointing out that XBitHack is part of mod_ssi, not mod_include.
Is it???
seems to suggest mod_include ... although I'm often wrong and I might be this 

Ah you're right and I suck,

I might be right (for once) but you don't suck... especially when you are trying to help ;-)

because??? Perhaps there is a good reason not to do it. I've got the IncludesNOEXEC option happening.

because you're trusting (to a certain extent) client supplied data.
But if you want it, you want it.  No question.

I'm using includes for standard html code blocks (headers, menus etc) that go across most pages so that I don't have to re-code them into each page (which is what my predecessor for this job did). I know there are other ways to do it, but each way has it's drawbacks. I guess that is another thread in itself.

As for the answer, well without seeing your entire apache config, I'd _guess_
that it's disable in the build or something like that.

I know that SSI works on this server because I can make it work with AddOutputFilter... it's XBitHack that's giving me grief. Seemed like such a good idea at the time but for now I've given up and I'm just applying AddOutputFilter to the <Directory>

thanks for your help

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