<quote who="Daniel Bush">

> > > ... nope, that didn't work either.  My desktop is really sluggish too.
> > > It's the end of the road for me and 9.04.
> >
> > Do you happen to have an Intel video chipset?
> Yeah, it's all intel.  Integrated graphics and sound.  I can just about
> live with the sluggishness (I'm not sure if it is a lot different to 8.04
> or not to be honest) but I need to talk on skype.  I'm prepared to try to
> debug or troubleshoot if it will improve ubuntu but I'm a complete novice
> plus I seem to be a bit of an isolated case.

The sluggishness is almost certainly related to the video driver performance
regression in Ubuntu 9.04. There are some half-fixes which introduce new
problems, but for most users I recommend going back to 8.10 for now. Easiest
way around it, sadly.

Your audio issue I'm not so sure about (Skype works okay here whether I have
pulseaudio running or not, so, hrm).

- Jeff

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