Hi All,

I have Mythbuntu 8.04 installed on a box with two
PVR-150 tuners.

I'd like to use Skype as well (I use a cordless
mini keyboard to control the box so can easily
access the other applications).

The problem is I cannot get Skype to see the
webcam. When I run:

ls /dev/video*

I get:

/dev/video0  /dev/video2   /dev/video25  /dev/video33
/dev/video1  /dev/video24  /dev/video32

Which is a bit weird given I only have two tuners.

The Skype set up only sees the two tuners video0
and video1

I've tested the webcam on the same machine with
Cheese - which is great fun - and which can find
the webcam, but when I install effectv - which is
also great fun - it gives me a the following message

v4lgetmbuf:VIDIOCGMBUF: Invalid argument
video_init: mmap interface is not supported by
this driver.

regardless of the /dev/video option I use.

I've googled it but couldn't find anything
particularly helpful or specific to this problem.

Anyone with any ideas?

Many thanks in advance.



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