Hi folks.

I'm currently using grip to digitise all my music CDs, and the ideal
workflow is to configure it to take any inserted disk and immediately start
ripping, then eject when it's done, prompting me to insert the next disk.
This would all work except that Gnome/Ubuntu prevents grip from ejecting the
disk, and places an icon on the desktop.  So how do I prevent this from
happening?  The disk isn't actually mounted (in the kernel "mount"
/etc/fstab sense) but still won't let grip eject it.  Instead, when grip
tries to eject, it acts like the disk has been ejected and re-inserted, so I
end up with an endless loop of ripping the same CD.

Any ideas how I prevent Gnome from grabbing the CD?

Simon Rumble <si...@rumble.net>
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