On Thu, August 6, 2009 9:06 pm, Kevin Shackleton wrote:
> We have a number of Ericsson W25 Next-G access points on  9 GB
> $110/month plans for broadband at several sites.  Unfortunately at least
> with our corporate contract we don't receive any feedback on usage.  We
> recently received a $1300 excess-usage monthly bill for one site, which is
> most definitely not human usage our side of the fence.  Telstra wants the
> money, I'm refusing to pay until they explain how the promised emails
> issued at certain usage percentages were delivered to us.  Moral: if
> you're not on a capped plan, prepare to be shafted.  Telstra won't give us
> a capped plan.  Telstra == being shafted.

fwiw, I have a data pack on my mobile, that I use with mobile and my h/h;

I noticed that the 'free to browse' sites 'leak' usage into my paid for
data pack, after many and long talks to Telstra about it , Telstra
actually seemed to have fixed it, after 6 month constant pestering them.

I bought the NextG phone late Jan, and lodged 1st complaint mid Feb, then
mid July they actually contacted me to tell me 'issue has been fixed'
(but I spent more time on this that I'm willing to admit to)

'mydatausage' page is often days behind on actual usage, THOUGH, the
billing page is accurate, the 80% SMSs were often way behind as well, the
billing folks were quite willing (within reason) to anull/reduce charges
(BUT I'm talking about tiny data usage/tiny charges) in fact, after my 1st
complaints, I was told 'wait for the bill, then call to have it part


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