On Sat, August 8, 2009 8:24 am, Amos Shapira wrote:
> 2009/8/7 Voytek Eymont <li...@sbt.net.au>

> Nokia S60 series phones with GPS (e.g. the E71) come with
> "SportsTracker" which can record your track with lots of data
> (altitude, speed, averages etc) and among other things can export toe
> Google Maps KML file, which is an open format. When I used it I simply
> uploaded it to Google Maps but since it's a documented (and I think
> text-based) format there must be tools around the net to handle it.

I use cotoGPS on the Palm which does all that, logging at user defined
frequency, it also has a java desktop component that allows to do various
stuff with the data, including KMLs

fwiw, you don't get accurate altitude with GPS


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