f its myth, it performs better with your drives as simple partitions.
mythvideo will support multiple video directories (check this)
mythtv uses storage groups to record and playback with better performance.

I set my myth up thusly.
3x 320gb drives (somewhat old, it has had a few 1tb drives added since)

all 3 drives are partitioned the same
\boot , 200mb raid 1 ext3
\ , 10gb raid 5 xfs, you might think about reiser or ext4 for this on 9.10.
swap, 1gb raid0
\var\lib\mythtv xfs (pick one drive to do this to)

using linux software raid, as a result I have moved this install through a few systems.
I leave the rest of the space empty during install
then i partition the remaining space on each drive as xfs (good for large files)

i mount those partitions as /var/lib/mythpool/1 /var/lib/mythpool/2
mkdir /var/lib/mythpool/1/recordings
mkdir /var/lib/mythpool/1/video


then go into myth and edit the storage groups to add /var/lib/mythpool/1/recordings to the general recordings pool and the same for video.

if you want to add another drive you just stick it in, partition it and tell myth about it.
stick videos on whichever drive has the most free space at the time.

Mike Andy wrote:
Ok so i'm trying to figure out what to do with all my data when I
upgrade and i've got more options and ideas than i know what to do

At the moment I'm on an everything machine  I'm considering breaking
it up into two different machines. All this might be aside from the
overall point but basically my desktop is my MythTV backend, MythTV
frontend, a samba server, virtual box/vmware player, and general
desktop. If i go ahead with splitting it up i'll probably put centOS
or debian on the server and have it running Samba and MythTV backend.
I'll get a bunch of WOL and ping/sleep idle scripts like i've already
got running to and from the server to save power.

MythTV and Samba shares are going from my desktop to another frontend
hooked up to a TV downstairs for good times.

on my desktop I've got 2 hard drives totalling a possible 2TB in LVM
folders on my desktop of ripped DVDs and CDs etc.. My /videos folder
is larger than a single hard drive it's self, that and the fact that I
was on a budget is why i chose LVM.

The 3rd hard drive is 300Gig and is not in LVM and is my OS hard drive
(Arch Linux, Ubuntu, XP)

So I'm recently getting more and more nervous about my OS hard drive
crashing, and to a lesser extent one of the media drives crashing. So
what should I do? At present I use clonezilla to backup my Arch OS to
a spare partition (along with standard photo/document backups done)

Could i get my OS hard drive and put it into RAID5? if so, how? I'm
confused because I heard I can do RAID5 in software, though i don't
understand how that would work or how to get it running across 3 or
more different operating systems. I heard RAID is also something a
motherboard can control too, actually i know nothing about RAID! Also
is it possible to get LVM working inside a RAID5? I could do that for
my data maybe?

Sorry i'm a bit of a noob but i'm keen on learning, unfortunately i'm
self taught so go easy on me!

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