On Thu, 2010-01-21 at 08:22 +1100, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Hi Sluggers,
> I hope this question is appropriate for this list. I have a PHP web-site 
> running on Apache and Linux. A PHP routine produces a 
> page that is sent back to the browser, but then it has some house-keeping to 
> do which takes some time, perhaps many seconds but 
> the housekeeping doesn't result in any more output to the browser (any output 
> from that point on goes to a log).
> What I would like to do is end/close the http request so that the browser 
> gets the HTTP equivelent of an "EOF" but allow the php 
> script to keep running. Now flush() does send the output to date to the 
> browser but the browsers "busy" icon keeps running because 
> the http session isn't closed until the php ends.
> I thought of doing a "fork" but the PHP docs say that fork doesn't work when 
> php is running under apache. I could write a shell 
> script and invoke that with a system/exec call from php and have the shell 
> run into the background and do the house-keeping thus 
> allowing the php to finsih, but I'm wondering if sluggers know of "a better 
> way (tm)".
> Thanks
> Pete

You could try closing STDOUT which will tell apache that your script has
stopped output.

In perl I executed a background task with an system( "command &" ); to
perform the background tasks.  I then emailed a reponse to the client to
tell them the job was done.


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