As you are reading this you would realise that we have a mailing list.

I have concluded that we need a fun mailing list, with interesting
content!! :) 

Every Friday we will have what's called "Linux Software Review Day". So
when your relaxing having a morning tea or a midnight snack write a
quick easy review about a piece of Linux software or configuration that
you like, enjoy or find handy then simply post it to

All you need to do is:

tell us the name of the software
were to get it
How to install it
simple instructions on its use
why you like it

Be as creative or simple in your review as you like!!

Every one receiving this email, new and old members alike are encouraged
to participate, by participating we will all learn and enjoy the best
operating system in the world!

Next "Linux Software Review Day" is Friday 19th of February

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List -
Subscription info and FAQs:

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