Hi Hive Mind,

Does anyone have any thoughts on removing the sticky bit on the /var/tmp directory and setting it to 777?

Something about it doesn't sit quite right with me but I can't so far find any negative impact of doing so.

The reason for this is that we have a large amount of data moving through that folder, in the order of more than 100GB. We have cleanup scripts which need to be able to remove files and folders to reclaim space every time a job finishes but the files are created by the user who launched the job, and the control process, and hence the cleanup, runs as a different user. And there we have a problem as the sticky bit prevents the cleanup from running and we have boxes falling over because their disks fill up.

I'm fairly sure the first response to this will be "Use sudo", as that was our first response too, or "store the data somewhere else". Both of these are possible but difficult, the latter exceedingly so. We've tried to think of every sensible alternative but the simplest fix would be to just change the permissions and hope there isn't something which is going to bite us as a result.

Any cautionary tales gratefully received.

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