Actually there are reasons why Microsoft systems cannot handle the changeover 
as well as Linux based systems. The biggest is that the Windows API cannot 
perform the conversion between local time and UTC as at some other point in 
time. So, for example, if, come Monday, you look at the date of this email 
from a Windows system, the email will appear to have been sent 1 hour earlier 
than it appears to have been sent today. This is because the Windows system 
will convert the UTC date (or equivalent) stored in the email to AEST. It will 
not recognise that in fact AEDT applied at the time of the message.

This can be an annoying thing to have to explain to a judge, especially when 
you have an email chain in evidence, and it appears on first glance to be out 
of order.

Linux systems do not suffer from that problem. Moreover, the data format of 
the time zone information is well published so that applications can be 
written to deal with other complications that can arise. With Windows the 
information is super secret. Also, Windows only records time zone changeover 
information by means of a single rule - it does not record historical changes 
by year as the TZInfo database used on Linux does. That is why for the year 
2000 in Sydney (with the 1-of early change to AEDT for the Olympics) Windows 
users had to install a new time zone, change their system to that time zone, 
then change it back for the following year.

Another unwanted side effect is that at changeover time, the modification date 
of every file on the system, when converted to local time, appears to change 
by an hour. Again Linux will apply the offset applicable at the relevant time, 
rather than the current offset.

This deficiency in Windows is truly painful when writing software that 
attempts to do things on a timed schedule. There are some problems that simply 
cannot be worked around. Even installing and using the TZInfo database will 
not help, since the result will vary from what Windows would have done. 
Perhaps you could create your own database of Windows time zone changes, and 
hope and pray that the user updated the time zones and the patches at all the 
right times, but you would most likely be swapping one error for another.

Having had way too much experience writing software for Windows that had to 
deal with time zones, and also had rather more positive experience writing 
software for Linux that had to deal with time zones, I can vouch for the fact 
that Linux does it many, many times better than Windows. If you are using 
Windows for servers where time ordering is relatively critical, you may well 
have no real option other than to shut the servers down during the transition.

Troy Rollo
Parry Carroll
Commercial Lawyers
Direct:   (02) 8257 3177
Fax:      (02) 9221 1375
Switch:  (02) 9221 3899
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards 

This message and any attachments are confidential to Parry Carroll. If you 
have received it my mistake, please let us know by reply and then delete it 
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Jeff Waugh
Sent: Thursday, 1 April 2010 3:27 PM
Subject: Why so snooty? Re: [SLUG] Which bank doesn't use Linux servers?

<quote who="Rick Welykochy">

> Similar for Westpac:  "Online Banking will be unavailable due to
> scheduled maintenance from 02:50 to 04:15 AEST on Sunday 4 April 2010."
> Another one not using Linux.

Not sure what Linux has to do with this -- there's far more going on (with 
dates and times especially) in a complex stack of software than just the OS.
Consider the amount of legacy software and multi-system integration involved 
in a bank's computing environment.

Sorry dudes, but this just sounds like Open Source snootiness from the small 
end of town.

Seriously, just look at half the MySQL-based Open Source applications around 
you... Example: WordPress only gained automagically updating named timezones 
(rather than manual offsets) in 2.7 or 2.8. Fat load of good "Linux" [1] did 
in that case.

- Jeff

[1] It's not like you're talking about the Linux kernel here, either.

The Great Australian Internet Blackout

  I wonder how many bugs have gone unfixed due to misspellings of "FIXME".
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