On 8 April 2010 12:39, Steve Allen <sla29...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 7:03 pm, Jamie Wilkinson <j...@spacepants.org> wrote:
>> If time_t was defined as a representation of TAI instead of UTC, it'd
>> be harder to get it wrong.
> Except that TAI is not available until next month and the BIPM
> recommends against the use of TAI in any real-time system.

I don't understand what you mean; TAI has been around since 1955.
What is special about next month that we go back to 1955?  Will we
need more zoneinfo updates?

>> Of course then you'd
>> need a presentation layer to convert TAI into your local human
>> calendar, but that's pretty simple once the model and view are
>> separated
> That exists and it's called zoneinfo and it gets updated all the
> time as a result of arbitrary and unpredictable human fiat.

zoneinfo is for timezones, it doesn't convert between timescales.
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