Jobst Schmalenbach <> writes:


> <this is not a flamebait>
> I know that people like long uptimes, but rebooting **DOES** solve some
> problems .... cause you have 888 days, have you considered???
> </this is not a flamebait>

It would probably help this suggestion if you provided some supporting
evidence for your position.  My first question, as you might imagine, is
"which problems does this solve?"

My usual follow-up to that is: are you actually solving the problem, or just
the current pain — taking a pain killer rather than fixing the bad back — and
probably destroying your chance to find the real cause of the problem in the

Anyway, without your providing something to back up your statement it is as
meaningless as someone asserting the opposite: that rebooting is never the
right answer. :)


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