Hi all,

Has anyone else had experience with the new Three
mobile networks 3Spot application?

It allows you to tether your 'puter to your
mobile. You download the application and determine
security settings etc then switch it on and off
you go - just connect to it as if it's an access

Works in <cough> Windows7 easily but I cannot for
the life of me get it going in Ubuntu 9.10 (dual
booting Lenovo X200).

Each time it tells me that it cannot obtain an IP
address. There are options to set the IP address
manually - I used the one which Windows used.
However this requires using a static IP address.


gateway is auto set t

I then also need Static DNS details:

DNS Domain
Search Domain
DNS1, 2 and 3

So at this point I'm buggered. I think I have the
correct DNS1 and 2 details (taken from the Windows
connection) BUT am stuck with the DNS Domain and
Search Domain options.

I've tried various options for these (eg. calling
Planet3 as the Three network name is called) but I
merely get a "3Spot: Connection failed: could not
contact the wireless access point" message.

If I leave it to connect using DHCP it searches
for an IP address but finally fails, telling me
that it failed to obtain an IP address - this
takes an age, with the machine searching for
several minutes.

Any help at this point would be most appreciated.



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