On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 21:17 +1000, Chris Allen wrote: 
> I am using Ubuntu 10.4
> Since yesterday my task bar (@ bottom of Gnome screen) has been unworkable.
> It is still there but is always black on black.  When I minimise a 
> window, I see it shrink and disappear into the task bar but after that I 
> see no trace of it.  It almost impossible to recall it again from the 
> task bar.
> Is there any explanation / fix for this?

I've seen this happen on my wife's laptop twice, with NVidia drivers and
compositing turned on. Seems to be a NVidia bug to me.

Turning off compositing and turning it back on again fixes it, or

These commands will disable and then reenable metacity compositing:

gconftool -s /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager -t bool false
gconftool -s /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager -t bool true

- Jan.
Jan Schmidt <thay...@noraisin.net>

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