On Mon, September 20, 2010 7:48 pm, Martin Visser wrote:
> I think the latest releases of Net-SNMP have been tightened up security
> wise. By default on Ubuntu, SNMP access is limit to the system description
>  information. I suspect the same problem is occuring to you on Centos.

> In the line below from /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf to enable read-only access to
>  all of the available SNMP MIB objects compiled in, you need to change
> associated security name for the "public" community from "paranoid" to
> "read-only", which is what I have done here, by commenting the line with
> "paranoid" and uncommenting "readonly":-



unfortunately... I can't access the system as, through sheer own stupidity
I've fried the mainbboard, and, system is down.

hopefully the hard disk should be OK, just need to find another RAAD
system to try it

(RAAD Random Array of Abandoned Devices)

(it has to be dumbest of dumb ideas, making a makeshift connection to
replacement CPU fan...)


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