NOTE: Change of venue. Details and RSVP

Slightly different format this time. We'll be looking at what happens once your deployment goes live and what tools can help.

6:15: Arrive - Anchor Systems, Level 4, 81 York Street

6:30: Zenoss - Alan Milligan

7:00: Eddie - Mark Rees

7:30 Open lightning talks for other solutions, cacti, munin, nagios etc. Register below.

8:00 Social networking and beers and dinner at PJ Obriens


This presentation will provide a whirlwind demonstration of Zenoss's features and then concentrate upon how to write your own ZenPack/ Python module extension

Alan Milligan is the principal technical architect of Last Bastion Network Solutions in Australia. His background is in applications development and infrastructure in retail and investment banking. Alan is uniquely placed to present Zenoss because the open source architecture upon which it's based, Zope, has been the core of Last Bastion offerings for a decade.

The EDDIE Tool:

( is a systemmonitoring, security and performance analysis agent written 100% inPython. Its key features are portability, powerful configuration andease of expansion. Monitoring rules are just like Python expressions.

Mark Rees is CTO at Century Software

Other Tools

Please considering doing a lightning talk on your favorite monitoring tool. Suggestions are on the RSVP form.

Further Details:

We will also have slots for 5 minute lightning talks. If you think its interesting and you're a pythonista then chances are we will to. Put together a few slides and bring it along.

*RSVP: Please RSVP on Anyvite to get your name on the door*

Getting There: See the anyvite page for details

Free free to join us at the pub after/instead.

If have any problems call Dylan Jay on 0421477460

Dylan Jay
Plone Solutions Manager.
P +612 80819071   M +61421477460
skype - dylan_jay    twitter - djay75

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