(Finally figured out gmail's email alias can be set as default, so my
addy just changed.)

Hi, I have my first program to publish, and would like a little feedback.

zchroot is a bash script to work with encrypted chroot-in-a-file chroots.
--help output is at end of this email.

Right now zchroot is robust for: creating new, showing status of,
mounting and unmounting, encrypted, loopback mounted, chroot in a file
files. Soon I shall double check the robustness of running a command
outside of, or chrooted into, a chroot.

First version I wrote was may be 3 years ago, and at that time I did
not know of schroot.
First version was clumsy, spread over two files, etc.

I started reading schroot docs, man page and config files/ dirs, but
after an hour or two did not to my satisfaction wrap my head around
doing what I really wanted, so bit the bullet and reworked zchroot
into something more palatable than it was.

Last few days (may be I should have read more on schroot :/) I updated
it to this version, which if it's useful to others, I would like to

It may be that schroot can do it all, perhaps with just a little
custom up/down scripts. So if someone is familiar with schroot, I'd
like some feedback on this if you have time.

Quick questions:

*) Should I post zchroot here, plain or zipped?
It is 551 lines, zenlib.sh is 157, and zchroot.conf is 66 lines.


Create and do things related to loopback mounted file based chroot
guests, on this host.

Usage: zchroot --new <chroot>                : Create chroot; NOTE:
chroot ~= suite-target.
       zchroot <action> <CMD> [<chroot>...]  : Run commands against chroots.
       zchroot <chroot>                      : Open shell in chroot.
       zchroot --help                        : Display more help.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

  -n,  --new <chroot>   Create new chroot guest in a loopback mounted file.
  -s,  --status <chroot>...
                        Show status of chroots.
  -h,  --host-init      Do some chroot-related host initialization,
                        eg. xhost/ X local connections.
  -m,  --mount <chroot>...
  -u,  --umount <chroot>...
                        Mount and umount chroot(s).
  -i,  --in <CMD> <chroot>...
                        For each chroot, run CMD after chrooting into chroot:
                        run CMD as chroot root user, from chroot(s)' / dir.
  -o,  --out <CMD> <chroot>...
                        For each chroot, run CMD:
                        run CMD as current user, from chroot(s)' / dir.
  -l,  --list-mounts    List mounted chroots ??
  -bm, --bmount <chroot>...
  -bu, --bumount <chroot>...
                        (U)mount bind mounts for chroots (eg /tmp, /dev).
  -t,  --tmp            Do some random tmp stuff.
       --help           Show this help.

<chroot> Filename or mountpoint dir, eg lucid-dbtest.img or lucid-dbtest
         When creating new chroot, name must be of form 'suite-target',
         with a hyphen separating the two components:
         'suite': distribution suite, eg lucid, testing, lenny.
         'target': a name distinguishing this chroot from others, eg dbtest
<CMD>    Command to run, include quotes eg "apt-get update"

Env config parameters will be loaded from ~/etc/zchroot.conf
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