Limesurvey is nice.

Typical Php+mysql

Its very feature filled, so setting up surveys has a learning curve. You have to wrap your head around how they have presented the (gui driven) survey configuration.

it can be found on fm, google, etc.


On 07/01/11 14:40, Sonia Hamilton wrote:
Can anyone recommend software for setting up website questionnaires?

What I mean is a friend wants customers to be able to login to a
website, answer a few questions, then get emailed the results.

Whilst I could obviously setup a website and write each questionnaire in
<language de jour>, I'm looking for something that easily allows a
computer novice to design/modify their own questionnaires, have multiple
questionnaires, enable/disable questionnaires, logins/passwords, etc,

BTW, by "questionnaire" I mean something like:

Name:                _____________________

Fav colour:          a) red b) blue c) green

Choose 3 sports:     * cricket
                      * football
                      * soccer
                      * hockey
                      * golf
                      * tennis
                      * other (specify)

Thanks, Sonia.

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