SyPy: Sydney Python Users group meetup 6 Jan 2010

6:15: Arrive
6:30: Lightning talks (email me, or just bring a 5min talk along)
6:45: Python IDE Smackdown - Whose IDE will reign supreme?
7:40 Social networking and beers and dinner nearby

*RSVP: Please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers*

Main Talk summary:
The smackdown contestants will be asked to give a short pitch and demo of their IDE of choice. 5-10min. They will be asked to tell what their IDE has over others and what they feel it lacks.
Contestants are
Komodo IDE (as presented by Mark Rees)
VIM (as presented by Peter Degroff)
Eclipse/Pydev (as presented by Vorn)
Emacs (as presented by Rob Weir)
Boa Constructor (as presented by David Lyon)
Pycharm (??)
WingIDE (??)
NetBeans (??)
Eric IDE (??)
ipython (??)

As you can see there are some empty spots so contact me if you want to defend the honour of your IDE.

Getting There: See the event page for details
Free free to join us at the pub after/instead.
If have any problems call Dylan Jay on 0421477460

Dylan Jay
Technical Solutions Manager
PretaWeb: reducing duplication in the government web.
P: +612 80819071 | M: +61421477460 | | in/djay75

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