
I'll be happy to try that, but I'd like to understand your thinking please. Can you clarify it for me please?

From what I can tell from your process below, it appears you want to send a request to update an internal DNS server with an internal client's records (for viewing by other internal clients), outside of the network to the internet only to have it come back into the network to be picked up by my internal DNS server. Do I understand that correctly?

If so, I believe that will cause a further issue as there are also public dns servers set up (@ for the same domain for the rest of the world to see only what they need to see. Would that be about right?

Kind Regards


On 17/02/11 1:52 PM, Ben Donohue wrote:
Ok, since it is not working how it is now... then perhaps you'll try the following...

setup your modem to point to internode DNS servers for DNS queries.

Point your internal DNS server to point to the MODEM for upstream DNS queries.

Don't set it up as DDNS. Just forwarding DNS to the next upstream DNS server in the chain if you know what I mean to get external DNS resolution.

Also have port 53 TCP and UDP on your modem (coming in) to port forward to your internal DNS server.

Ben Donohue

On 17/02/2011 1:44 PM, Kyle wrote:

answers inline.

Kind Regards


On 17/02/11 1:38 PM, Ben Donohue wrote:
Hi Kyle,

Do you have a static IP?
## Yes.

Have you set your modem up to forward DNS queries to internode DNS primary and secondary?
## No. There shouldn't be any need. I run an internal DNS on CentOS 5.5. (Ok, at this point, I'm trying to run an internal dns :-( )

Are you hosting your own domains?
## From an internal client dns perspective, yes.

If so, is your internal server setup as the primary name server for your own domains or are you using a third party DNS service or internode DNS services (I'm presuming they have these services) If not, are you pointing your internal server to your modem IP as the forwarder for DNS queries?
## Yes. I run an internal authoritative dns (from my 192.168 subnet's clients' perspective) It is set up to go out to the www and root servers if it can't find what it's looking for. At least, I believe it is. I'm beginning to doubt myself.

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