>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Walkom <markwal...@gmail.com> writes:

Mark> On a more general note, cause it's always nice to see what the
Mark> market thinks, I noticed this advertised this morning on the
Mark> jobs list and I was curious; How many sysadmins would have
Mark> enough programming experience to fulfil this job, or programmers
Mark> with sysadmin experience.  And more importantly, of those, who
Mark> would want to work for such a low wage - at least, it's low for
Mark> Sydney for such a strong skill set?

I'd agree, unless it's a part time role.  I could imagine someone
close to retirement with all these skills who'd want a two to
two-and-a-half day a week job at that TRP -- which puts the market at
twice what they're offering.

Peter C
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