On 30/05/2011, at 1:51 PM, david wrote:

> I've been putting it off, but now the 9.04 repo has vanished, along with the 
> upgrade-to-new-distribution button in synaptic.
> Are there any "gotchas" if I just change my sources list and do a 
> dist-upgrade? This is a complicated desktop which would be a horror to 
> rebuild, so I really would rather know any problems in advance

I'll throw my 2c in the mix for a little alternate perspective.

Firstly, the only times I've had any significant problems upgrading Ubuntu was 
when I went from Hardy 8.04LTS directly to Lucid 10.04LTS (which was/is a 
supported upgrade mind you).  This really was a collossal cluster fsck...but 
probably my doing; I had some custom repos in /etc/apt/sources.list, simply 
changed all references of "hardy" to "lucid" and did an "apt-get update && 
apt-get -u dist-upgrade".  This resulted in a completely neutered weekend and 
is NOT the way to upgrade (read about it here: 
http://gray.net.au/article.php/2010100401).  The correct way is to use the 
upgrade manager (full details here: 

1. sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
2. sudo do-release-upgrade

The only other upgrade hell I entered was when I went from Hoary (5.04) to 
Breezy (5.10) which left some KDE packages in a mess (read about it here - 
http://gray.net.au/article.php/20051016111619198).  Given the age of the whole 
Ubuntu (and especially Kubuntu) platform in 2005, I'm not entirely surprised.

So one borked upgrade as a result of PICNIC (Problem In Chair, Not In 
Computer), and the second probably due to immaturity in the platform (Kubuntu), 
I haven't had any problems since.  In fact I recently upgraded ALL my 10.10 
systems to 11.04 (some desktops, some servers, some virtual/guest, some 
physical) and NOT ONE has had any problems...and I absolutely slam my machines 

Ubuntu is now quite a robust distro and the upgrade manager makes the whole 
process relative painless.  As always, backup before upgrade.  Personally, I'm 
quite happy with the 11.04 release and I'm enjoying the version bumps on a 
number of packages which have made a whole new set of goodies available.

Have fun.  Usual disclaimers apply.



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