SyPy: Sydney Python Users group meetup

Where does python fit in a world where microseconds count?
I will talk a little bit about electronic trading, history and philosophy. Then onto the anatomy of an algorithmic trade shop with perhaps a live demo. Python finds use in rapid prototyping (of course), GUI and forensics/data analysis.

About the speaker(s):
Simon Burton has been working in the US finance industry for about five years, his specialty is high frequency trading. Prior to that he worked in machine learning at an australian research lab.
He has a long commute.

*RSVP: Please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers*

6:15: Arrive - nibbles supplied by Google Australia
6:30: Lightning talks (email me, or just bring a 5min talk along)
6:45: Main talk + questions - see above
7:30 Social networking and beers and dinner at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel.

Getting There: See the event page for details
Free free to join us at the pub after/instead.
If have any problems call Dylan Jay on 0421477460

Dylan Jay
Technical Solutions Manager
PretaWeb: reducing duplication in the government web.
P: +612 80819071 | M: +61421477460 | | in/djay75

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