SyPy: Sydney Python Users group meetup

"Couchdb has a funny name, i will try and remove some of that humor with a brief look at nosql and what couchdb brings to the table. How you can use python to take advantage of its power, and who knows, perhaps learn some javascript along the way."

About the speaker(s):
Jared is a developer at atlassian, where he spends most of his day cursing java(script)? In my spare time i am usually found bouncing between one of many of my personal projects which i never seem to finish.

*RSVP: Please RSVP for catering, vanity etc*

6:15: Arrive - nibbles supplied by Google Australia
6:30: Lightning talks (email me, or just bring a 5min talk along)
6:45: Main talk + questions - see above
7:30 Social networking and beers and dinner at the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel.

If you can't attend it will be streamed at starting from 6pm Australian Eastern Standard Time

Getting There: See the event page for details ( )
Free free to join us at the pub after/instead.
If have any problems call Dylan Jay on 0421477460

Dylan Jay
Technical Solutions Manager
PretaWeb: reducing duplication in the government web.
P: +612 80819071 | M: +61421477460 | | in/djay75

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