Good Evening,

South Coast Linux User Group (SCLUG) is holding an installfest for first year students of the University of Wollongong on Saturday 17th March, 2012.

This is a specific installfest aimed at setting the students up with an environment the "same" as their University workstations. It is a derived Ubuntu Distro.

The installfest is held in two sessions morning and afternoon on the same day.

Any volunteers who know how to install Linux and want a fun day helping others are asked to contact me off list for more details. More the merrier!!!

Kindest Regards,


Ashley Maher
Didymo Designs

Phone: 1300 762 599
       (+61 2) 8090 2847  (+61 2) 4203 2716
Mob:   0412 351 451
Fax:   (+61 2) 8002 0071

P.O. Box 410 North Sydney NSW 2059
P.O. Box 1122 Wollongong NSW 2500

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