There's still one talk slot available

SyPy: Sydney Python Users group meetup

15min talks are:
For learners: Python in MOOCs (Massively Online Open Courses), covering the 
resources that are available to learn Python and also to learn other tech 
skills online with examples from edx, coursera and udacity
For Webies: OAuth2 or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love stateless 
Something different:  TBA
+ lightning talks inc. 
Please sign up for a speaker ticket if you'd also like to speak
New Atlassian Offices 
Free Beer & Pizza provided by Atlassian
6:00: Arrive - drink beer* & eat pizza
6:30: 2-3 short talks. (drink beer*)
8:30: Lightning talks (sign up, or just bring a 5min talk along)(drink beer*)
9:00: drink beer*
9:30: go to the pub (beer might be involved**)
 * Note beer is an optional activity but recommended to ensure the best 
possible experience :)
Getting There: See the event page for details

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