Well today pretty much marks 20 years since I've used Linux at home. I'd
been using Linux at since late '92, mainly as a way to cheaply repurpose
some older PCs into X-Windows terminals for use in our UNIX development
environment. I'd sold a bunch of shares from my employer, and decided to
reward myself with a shiny 33MHz '486 powered PC. From memory the system
cost me $3150. At the same time I bought my wife a nice upright Yamaha U3
piano (about 25 years old at the time). You can guess which one we still
have, and which is well and truly buried underground. ;-)

I specifically bought the PC with the intent on dual-booting Windows 3.1
and Linux. I did buy Borland C++ for the PC, but I really was more
interested in playing around in Linux.  Anyway here is the post to USEnet I
made 20 years ago today.

Regards, Martin



Newsgroups: comp.os.linux
Subject: Help installing Linux.(doinstall fails)
Message-ID: <1993apr5.105557....@iwsd01.itwol.bhp.com.au>
From: vis...@eedwsa.itwol.bhp.com.au(Martin Visser)
Date: 5 Apr 93 10:55:56 +1000
Sender: vis...@eedwsa.itwol.bhp.com.au(Martin Vesa (32-bit))
Distribution: world
Nntp-Posting-Host: eedwsa.itwol.bhp.com.au
Lines: 37


I,ve tried to install the SLS base system 99p6. I partitioned my 210 Maxtor
drive to half DOS and then added a 15M /dev/hda2 (type 81 Linux,Minix) and
10M /dev/hda3 (type 83 Linux swap). After writing to the partition table
and rebooting, I did a mkfs /dev/hda2 15504; mkswap /dev/hda3 4096; swapon
 After then running doinstall things seemed OK until it tried to
start installing a2,a3 and a4. The system only looked at the disks for
about a
millisecond and then prompted me to insert the next one ( I was thinking
, Boy! this installation is quick). Finally I got the prompt for formatted
disk to make a boot disk. Thinking, I ahd finished, I attempted to boot this
disk to no avail. Of course during doinstall I got messages such as
"mv: command not found", "rm: command not found" and so forth.
I am guessing that my /dev/hada2 is not mounting and hence the file system
is not
being transferred. I have
been trying to dissassemble "doinstall" as most erros seem to be redirected
to /dev/null.

One "error" I noted on booting is "WD8013 not found at 280 ". Can't the
find my disk controller? I have a TMC 486/33 motherboard with a VESA IDE
Linux seems to be able access the disk because the partioning worked and
mkfs -c
works the disk out.

Please help me out , I would love to get Linux up and running.

Regards, Martin

   /\/\     :  Martin Visser - Electrical / Software Engineer
  / / /\    :  Engineering Technology Department
 / / /  \   :  BHP Steel - Slab and Plate Products Division
/ / / /\ \  :  P.O. Box 1854 Wollongong NSW 2500 AUSTRALIA
\ \/ / / /  :  Phone    +61-42-75-7522 ext. 6207
 \  / / /   :  Fax      +61-42-75-7038
  \/\/\/    :  E-mail   vis...@itwol.bhp.com.au
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