have changed. I spent ten years writing for - www.linuxuser.co.uk -
www.linuxformat.co.uk - http://www.linux-magazine.com/ .  Travelled
round the world a few times doing that.

I think my first distro was Caldera which I think was in 1996. I was working as an NT / 95-98 admin at the time. Magazines played two huge parts in my adoption of Linux.

1) I go to have disks to install distros from

2) In one article on PHP + MySQL they had a shot of Webmin www.webmin.com

In NT land we had buggy mail severs and other crap + a whole lot of shrink wrapped boxes that cost 1,000 $ of equally crap software. I installed RedHat 7.? and webmin and clicked on the "Servers" tab - here was a suite of offerings that I could install for free and get working rather than thinking of how to install "front page extensions on IIS".

The screen shot in one of those magazines was a big eye opener - thanks!


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