On 04/02/14 15:20, Eden Cane wrote (in response to my running a semester
long ICT Sustainability course):

... they must be burning a lot of calories doing that for 6 months,
surely there is a way to work that out using less energy!

I have one student trying to do the semester long course in three weeks. But working out how much energy and materials all the computer and telecommunications equipment in an organisation use is not that easy. Even harder is working out how to reduce this, while not costing the organisation too much (or even saving them money).

As an example, you can replace the desktop PCs with some form of "thin client", but Microsoft Windows applications don't work so well remotely. Convincing a company to use Linux applications, unless you disguise it as a proprietary product, such as Google Android.

Tom Worthington FACS CP, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
The Higher Education Whisperer http://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
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Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Research School of Computer Science,
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/
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