>> In reference to file staging Slurm has sbcast
>> (http://www.schedmd.com/slurmdocs/sbcast.html) that can be used to
>> broadcast your files out to your home directories on your compute nodes.
> But not in the simple way as Torque's -W stagein/stageout option.
> It is usable mostly for distributing files from a computing node to 
> others in the same parallel job.
> If I want to distribute files from submission node to computing nodes it 
> requires usage of salloc or shared file system as staging area.
> The same is also for sbatch output, which stays on computing node, where 
> the job was executed or should be redirected to shared area.

Ok, so overall slurm requires shared homes. There is no easy way to do the 
non-shared home part. I'm contemplating trying to move jobs to use /scratch/... 
instead of /home/... and then create a smaller /home that is for local users 
who can then also compute using the scratch space or straight on /home. If we 
can set this up, then we'll eliminate the need for stagein/out, but right now a 
lot of scripts rely on it and therefore cannot easily be converted to sbcast 
usage. We'll see how it goes. In any case it won't be a simple swap exercise to 
swap torque for slurm hoping the commands work :)

Mario Kadastik, PhD

  "Physics is like sex, sure it may have practical reasons, but that's not why 
we do it" 
     -- Richard P. Feynman

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