"Bjørn-Helge Mevik" <b.h.me...@usit.uio.no> wrote:
>Yong Qin <yong....@gmail.com> writes:
>> This has been puzzling me for a while. So I'm hoping somebody can
>> it for me. In short, when I use "sacct -S $T1 -E $T2" I often get
>lots of
>> jobs that are completely out of the range of ($T1, $T2). For example,
>> $ sacct -a -S 2013-05-11T00:00:00 -E 2013-05-12T00:00:00 -o
>> I got a job output:
>> 4173         2013-05-12T23:03:59 2013-05-13T11:53:42
>I might be wrong, but I believe -S and -E refers to the time period a
>job was _eligible_ to run, not when it started and ended.  Being
>(in this context) seems to mean that it has been submitted (using
>#SBATCH --begin might change this), and has not ended.  So a job that
>was pending or running between -S and -E will show up in the output.

You are correct, that is what the documentation says as well I believe.

>Try using -o jobid,submit,eligible,start,end
>and see if that makes sense.
>It would have been nice to have the possibility to select jobs that
>_running_ (or _started_) in an interval, but I don't think it's there.

Just ask for the state to be 'running'.

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