Dear developers,

for convenience reasons, we want to hand out GPU cards only with a full CPU 
(8cores). Our plan was to modify e.g. the number of CPUs per task like in this 
example (1 GPU, 1 task):

job_desc ->pn_min_cpus = 8;
job_desc ->min_cpus = 8;
job_desc ->cpus_per_task = 8;
info("Setting CPUs per task to %d, (num_tasks=%d)", 
For some unknown reason the modification of the job_descriptor terribly fails. 
* In "scontrol show job=", we can read the intended modification (CPUs/task=8)
* In the job, we see 8 Tasks with 1 CPU, each. 
Both cannot be true. Is this maybe a bug?

How can we come to the desired result? 

Thank you,

Here is an example:

This command line:
    srun -t 5 --cpus-per-task=1  --ntasks-per-node=1 -p gpu-interactive 
--gres=gpu:1 --pty bash
results in this (slurmctld.log)
    [2013-12-18T14:02:36.663] job_submit/zih_gpu: Setting CPUs per task to 8, 

In the job I see:

"taskset -pc $$"  gives:
  pid 6706's current affinity list: 8

$ scontrol show job=3791288
JobId=3791288 Name=bash
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=8 CPUs/Task=8 ReqS:C:T=*:*:*
   MinCPUsNode=8 MinMemoryNode=24000M MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) Gres=gpu:1 Reservation=(null)

Dr. Ulf Markwardt

Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
01062 Dresden, Germany

Phone: (+49) 351/463-33640      WWW:

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