Sorry for the noise, I had never seen this error before so figured it was
SLURM specific, but it's not.  Been long day and should have googled it
first :)

mysql mysql -e "REPAIR TABLE proc" resolved the issue.

- Trey


Trey Dockendorf
Systems Analyst I
Texas A&M University
Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Phone: (979)458-2396

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Trey Dockendorf <> wrote:

> Yesterday the VMs running slurmctld, slurmdbd and MySQL all crashed due to
> issues with storage networks.  I am now unable to start slurmdbd.  The
> error I get is below.  The part about "is marked as crashed and should be
> repaired", is that coming from MySQL or from SLURM?  Any advice on how to
> proceed is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> - Trey
> [2014-10-21T22:12:18.849] error: mysql_query failed: 145 Table
> './mysql/proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
> drop procedure if exists get_parent_limits; create procedure
> get_parent_limits(my_table text, acct text, cluster text, without_limits
> int) begin set @par_id = NULL; set @mj = NULL; set @msj = NULL; set @mcpj =
> NULL; set @mnpj = NULL; set @mwpj = NULL; set @mcmpj = NULL; set @mcrm =
> NULL; set @def_qos_id = NULL; set @qos = ''; set @delta_qos = ''; set
> @my_acct = acct; if without_limits then set @mj = 0; set @msj = 0; set
> @mcpj = 0; set @mnpj = 0; set @mwpj = 0; set @mcmpj = 0; set @mcrm = 0; set
> @def_qos_id = 0; set @qos = 0; set @delta_qos = 0; end if; REPEAT set @s =
> 'select '; if @par_id is NULL then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@par_id :=
> id_assoc, '); end if; if @mj is NULL then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@mj :=
> max_jobs, '); end if; if @msj is NULL then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@msj :=
> max_submit_jobs, '); end if; if @mcpj is NULL then set @s = CONCAT(@s,
> '@mcpj := max_cpus_pj, ') ;end if; if @mnpj is NULL then set @s =
> CONCAT(@s, '@mnpj := max_nodes_pj, ') ;end if; if @mwpj is NULL then set @s
> = CONCAT(@s, '@mwpj := max_wall_pj, '); end if; if @mcmpj is NULL then set
> @s = CONCAT(@s, '@mcmpj := max_cpu_mins_pj, '); end if; if @mcrm is NULL
> then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@mcrm := max_cpu_run_mins, '); end if; if
> @def_qos_id is NULL then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@def_qos_id := def_qos_id,
> '); end if; if @qos = '' then set @s = CONCAT(@s, '@qos := qos, @delta_qos
> := REPLACE(CONCAT(delta_qos, @delta_qos), \',,\', \',\'), '); end if; set
> @s = concat(@s, '@my_acct := parent_acct from "', cluster, '_', my_table,
> '" where acct = \'', @my_acct, '\' && user=\'\''); prepare query from @s;
> execute query; deallocate prepare query; UNTIL (@mj != -1 && @msj != -1 &&
> @mcpj != -1 && @mnpj != -1 && @mwpj != -1 && @mcmpj != -1 && @mcrm != -1 &&
> @def_qos_id != -1 && @qos != '') || @my_acct = '' END REPEAT; END;
> [2014-10-21T22:12:18.850] error: Couldn't load specified plugin name for
> accounting_storage/mysql: Plugin init() callback failed
> [2014-10-21T22:12:18.850] error: cannot create accounting_storage context
> for accounting_storage/mysql
> [2014-10-21T22:12:18.850] fatal: Unable to initialize
> accounting_storage/mysql accounting storage plugin
> =============================
> Trey Dockendorf
> Systems Analyst I
> Texas A&M University
> Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
> Phone: (979)458-2396
> Email:
> Jabber:

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