So I turned off TaskAffinity (=none) and we ran two CUDA/GPU jobs on one node. 
Apparently the performance with PBS/Torque is good and with Slurm it is not. 
I'm confused as to why it would make any difference:

Running 1 MPI job with slurm
Gpu utilization 74-99%
Cpu  — 4 CPU cores, 0-3
64-84% utilization

Speed: 21ns/day vs previously reported 25.6ns/day with PBS

Submitting the second MPI job
Gpu utilization down to 9-13%  (slightly better, it was 1-3% before [with 
TaskAffinity enabled])
Cpu  — 4 CPU cores, the same 0-3
99%  utilization

Speed:  slow..   Okay, finally got it  1.45ns/day

Would that variable still be helpful to try?

We're using Slurm 14.11.3, MVAPICH2 2.0, Intel Compiler 15.0.1, and AMBER 14 
for these performance numbers. GPU's are M2090's I think. I'd have to check 
that he wasn't using the K20's.

____ *Note: UMDNJ is now Rutgers-Biomedical and Health Sciences*
|| \\UTGERS      |---------------------*O*---------------------
||_// Biomedical | Ryan Novosielski - Senior Technologist
|| \\ and Health |<>- 
973/972.0922 (2x0922)
||  \\  Sciences | OIRT/High Perf & Res Comp - MSB C630, Newark

On Feb 7, 2015, at 12:34, Jonathan Perkins 
<<>> wrote:

Can you set MV2_SHOW_CPU_BINDING equal to 1 when running your job?  This
should show whether affinity is causing your processes to be
oversubscribed on a set of cores.

If this is the case you can disable the affinity from the library by
setting MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY to 0.

On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 03:18:48PM -0800, Novosielski, Ryan wrote:
I am running into a similar problem, with Slurm 14.11.3 and MVAPICH2 2.0. I am 
wondering if perhaps having CPU affinity configured in MVAPICH2 and Slurm at 
the same time isn't a bad idea (I've also since realized that it uses cgroups 
and that the 2.6.18 kernel in RHEL5 does not support it anyway -- but it didn't 
seem to be harming anything. Maybe it was?).

____ *Note: UMDNJ is now Rutgers-Biomedical and Health Sciences*
|| \\UTGERS      |---------------------*O*---------------------
||_// Biomedical | Ryan Novosielski - Senior Technologist
|| \\ and Health |<><>- 
973/972.0922 (2x0922)
||  \\  Sciences | OIRT/High Perf & Res Comp - MSB C630, Newark

On Feb 6, 2015, at 18:10, Ralph Castain 
<<><>> wrote:

Glad to hear you found/fixed the problem!

On Feb 6, 2015, at 2:44 PM, Peter A Ruprecht 

Thanks to everyone who responded.

It appears that the issue was not the version of Slurm, but rather that we
had set TaskAffinity=yes in cgroups.conf at the same time we installed the
new version.

Applications that were using OpenMPI version 1.6 and prior were in many
cases showing dramatically slower run times.  I incorrectly wrote earlier
that v1.8 was also affected; in fact it seems to have been OK.

I don't have a good environment for testing this further at the moment,
unfortunately, but since we backed out the change the users are happy

Thanks again,

On 2/6/15, 6:49 AM, "Ralph Castain" 
<<><>> wrote:

If you are launching via mpirun, then you won't be using either version
of PMI - OMPI has its own internal daemons that handle the launch and

It's odd that it happens across OMPI versions as there exist significant
differences between them. Is the speed difference associated with non-MPI
jobs as well? In other words, if you execute "mpirun hostname", does it
also take an inordinate amount of time?

If not, then the other possibility is that you are falling back on TCP
instead of IB, or that something is preventing the use of shared memory
as a transport for procs on the same node.

On Feb 5, 2015, at 5:02 PM, Peter A Ruprecht

Answering two questions at one time:

I am pretty sure we are not using PMI2.

Jobs are launched via "sbatch job_script" where the script contains
"mpirun ./executable_file".  There appear to be issues with at least
1.6.4 and 1.8.X.


On 2/5/15, 5:39 PM, "Ralph Castain" 
<<><>> wrote:

And are you launching via mpirun or directly with srun <myapp>? What
version are you using?

On Feb 5, 2015, at 3:32 PM, Chris Samuel 

On Thu, 5 Feb 2015 03:27:25 PM Peter A Ruprecht wrote:

I ask because some of our users have started reporting a 10x increase
run-times of OpenMPI jobs since we upgraded to 14.11.3 from 14.3.
possible there is some other problem going on in our cluster, but all
our hardware checks including Infiniband diagnostics look pretty

Are you using PMI2?

Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
 Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545

Jonathan Perkins

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