On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 02:03:47 AM Bjørn-Helge Mevik wrote:

> Christopher Samuel <sam...@unimelb.edu.au> writes:
> > http://karaage.readthedocs.org/en/latest/introduction.html
> Karaage looks interesting for managing projects and users.  Can it
> manage usage limits?

Sadly that's one thing it doesn't do as it was developed at VPAC where they 
use fairshare instead.   We invented our own command line tools for Torque, 
Moab and Gold before we started using Karaage and just adapted them to Slurm.

However, it is open source and you can write your own plugins for it and we've 
just started on integrating the grant table that our own tools used into it 
(for display only at the moment).

All the best,
 Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
 VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
 Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
 http://www.vlsci.org.au/      http://twitter.com/vlsci

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