On 09/09/2015 01:53 AM, Moe Jette wrote:

Quoting Daniel Letai <d...@letai.org.il>:

I've noticed configure checks for json parser availability, however in rhel6 based systems the json-c-devel rpm from epel(6) installs to /usr/include/json while the configure check is for /usr/include/json-c (configure:19424)

Fixed here:

BTW, when building without packaging (i.e. tar xf slurm-15.08.0.tar.bz2;cd slurm-15.08.0;./configure;make;make check) with netloc-0.5, everything seems ok.
When building with rpmbuild -ta, the make phase errors out:

netloc_to_topology.c: In function 'generate_topology_file':
netloc_to_topology.c:352: error: invalid initializer
netloc_to_topology.c:355: warning: passing argument 2 of 'netloc_get_all_switch_nodes' from incompatible pointer type /usr/include/netloc.h:1262: note: expected 'struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t **' but argument is of type 'struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *' netloc_to_topology.c:372: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'netloc_lookup_table_destroy' /usr/include/netloc.h:839: note: expected 'struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *' but argument is of type 'struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t' netloc_to_topology.c:373: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of 'free'

seems like netloc functionality is not built in regular mode, despite being checked for.

None of the software in the "contribs" directory is build by default. The code matches the header file that I work with too (no build errors that you see). That particular module was designed specifically for SGI systems. Perhaps you could directly send me (i.e. not to the list) your netloc.h file?
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 2013      University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
 *                         All rights reserved.
 * Additional copyrights may follow
 * See COPYING in top-level directory.

#ifndef _NETLOC_H_
#define _NETLOC_H_

#include <netloc/autogen/config.h>
#include <netloc/rename.h>

#define _GNU_SOURCE // for asprintf
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <jansson.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Enumerated types

 * Definitions for Comparators
#define NETLOC_CMP_SAME     0
#define NETLOC_CMP_DIFF    -2

 * Enumerated type for the various types of supported networks
typedef enum {
} netloc_network_type_t;

 * Encode the network type
 * \param str_val String value to parse
 * Returns
 *   A valid member of the netloc_network_type_t type
static inline netloc_network_type_t netloc_encode_network_type(const char * str_val) {
    if( NULL == str_val ) {
    else if( 0 == strncmp(str_val, "ETH", strlen(str_val)) ) {
    else if( 0 == strncmp(str_val, "IB", strlen(str_val)) ) {
    else {

 * Decode the network type
 * \param A valid member of the netloc_network_type_t type
 * Returns
 *   NULL if the type is invalid
 *   A string for that netloc_network_type_t type
static inline const char * netloc_decode_network_type(netloc_network_type_t net_type) {
    if( NETLOC_NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET == net_type ) {
        return "ETH";
    else if( NETLOC_NETWORK_TYPE_INFINIBAND == net_type ) {
        return "IB";
    else {
        return NULL;

 * Decode the network type into a human readable string
 * \param A valid member of the netloc_network_type_t type
 * Returns
 *   A string for that netloc_network_type_t type
static inline const char * netloc_decode_network_type_readable(netloc_network_type_t net_type) {
    if( NETLOC_NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET == net_type ) {
        return "Ethernet";
    else if( NETLOC_NETWORK_TYPE_INFINIBAND == net_type ) {
        return "InfiniBand";
    else {
        return "Invalid";

 * Enumerated type for the various types of nodes
typedef enum {
} netloc_node_type_t;

 * Encode the node type
 * \param str_val String value to parse
 * Returns
 *   A valid member of the netloc_node_type_t type
static inline netloc_node_type_t netloc_encode_node_type(const char * str_val) {
    if( NULL == str_val ) {
    else if( 0 == strncmp(str_val, "CA", strlen(str_val)) ) {
        return NETLOC_NODE_TYPE_HOST;
    else if( 0 == strncmp(str_val, "SW", strlen(str_val)) ) {
    else {

 * Decode the node type
 * \param A valid member of the netloc_node_type_t type
 * Returns
 *   NULL if the type is invalid
 *   A string for that netloc_node_type_t type
static inline const char * netloc_decode_node_type(netloc_node_type_t node_type) {
    if( NETLOC_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH == node_type ) {
        return "SW";
    else if( NETLOC_NODE_TYPE_HOST == node_type ) {
        return "CA";
    else {
        return NULL;

 * Decode the node type into a human readable string
 * \param A valid member of the netloc_node_type_t type
 * Returns
 *   NULL if the type is invalid
 *   A string for that netloc_node_type_t type
static inline char * netloc_decode_node_type_readable(netloc_node_type_t node_type) {
    if( NETLOC_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH == node_type ) {
        return "Switch";
    else if( NETLOC_NODE_TYPE_HOST == node_type ) {
        return "Host";
    else {
        return "Invalid";

 * Return codes
enum {
    NETLOC_SUCCESS         =  0,
    NETLOC_ERROR           = -1,
    NETLOC_ERROR_NOENT     = -3,
    NETLOC_ERROR_EMPTY     = -4,
    NETLOC_ERROR_MAX       = -9

 *        Structures

 * Netloc Topology Context
 * Must be initialized with netloc_attach()
struct netloc_topology;
typedef struct netloc_topology * netloc_topology_t;

 * Lookup table entry type
struct netloc_lookup_table_entry_t {
    /** Key */
    const char *key;
    /** Value pointer */
    void *value;
    /** Hash key */
    unsigned long __key__;
typedef struct netloc_lookup_table_entry_t netloc_lookup_table_entry_t;

 * Lookup table type
struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t {
    /** Table entries array */
    netloc_lookup_table_entry_t **ht_entries;
    /** Number of entries in the lookup table */
    size_t   ht_size;
    /** Number of filled entried in the lookup table */
    size_t   ht_used_size;
    /** Flags */
    unsigned long flags;
typedef struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_t netloc_dt_lookup_table_t;

 * Lookup table iterator
struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t {
    /** A pointer to the lookup table */
    netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *htp;
    /** The current location in the table */
    size_t loc;
    /** Flag if we reached the end */
    bool at_end;
typedef struct netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t;

 * Netloc Network Type
 * Represents a single network.
struct netloc_network_t {
    /** Type of network */
    netloc_network_type_t network_type;

    /** Subnet ID */
    char * subnet_id;

    /** Data URI */
    char * data_uri;

    /** Node URI */
    char * node_uri;

    /** Physical Path URI */
    char * phy_path_uri;

    /** Path URI */
    char * path_uri;

    /** Description information from discovery (if any) */
    char * description;

    /** Metadata about network information */
    char * version;

     * Application-given private data pointer.
     * Initialized to NULL, and not used by the netloc library.
    void * userdata;
typedef struct netloc_network_t netloc_network_t;

 * Netloc Edge Type
 * Represents the concept of a directed edge within a network graph.
 * Note that we do not point to the netloc_node_t structure directly to 
 * simplify the representation, and allow the information to more easily
 * be entered into the data store without circular references.
struct netloc_node_t;
typedef struct netloc_node_t netloc_node_t;

#define NETLOC_EDGE_UID_NULL    -1

struct netloc_edge_t {
    /** Unique Edge ID */
    int edge_uid;

    /** Source: Pointer to neloc_node_t */
    netloc_node_t *src_node;
    /** Source: Physical ID from netloc_node_t */
    char *      src_node_id;
    /** Source: Node type from netloc_node_t */
    netloc_node_type_t src_node_type;
    /** Source: Port number */
    char *      src_port_id;

    /** Dest: Pointer to neloc_node_t */
    netloc_node_t *dest_node;
    /** Dest: Physical ID from netloc_node_t */
    char *      dest_node_id;
    /** Dest: Node type from netloc_node_t */
    netloc_node_type_t dest_node_type;
    /** Dest: Port number */
    char *      dest_port_id;

    /** Metadata: Speed */
    char *      speed;
    /** Metadata: Width */
    char *      width;

    /** Description information from discovery (if any) */
    char * description;

     * Application-given private data pointer.
     * Initialized to NULL, and not used by the netloc library.
    void * userdata;
typedef struct netloc_edge_t netloc_edge_t;

 * Netloc Node Type
 * Represents the concept of a node (a.k.a., vertex, endpoint) within a network graph.
struct netloc_node_t {
    /** Type of the network connection */
    netloc_network_type_t  network_type;

    /** Type of the node */
    netloc_node_type_t     node_type;

    /** Physical ID of the node (must be unique) */
    char *          physical_id;
    unsigned long   physical_id_int;

    /** Logical ID of the node (if any) */
    char *          logical_id;

    /** Internal unique ID: 0 - N */
    int __uid__;

    /** Subnet ID */
    char * subnet_id;

    /** Description information from discovery (if any) */
    char * description;

     * Application-given private data pointer.
     * Initialized to NULL, and not used by the netloc library.
    void * userdata;

    /** Outgoing edges from this node */
    int num_edges;
    netloc_edge_t **edges;

    int num_edge_ids;
    int *edge_ids;

    /** Lookup table for physical paths from this node */
    int num_phy_paths;
    netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *physical_paths;

    /** Lookup table for logical paths from this node */
    int num_log_paths;
    netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *logical_paths;

 * Datatype Support Functions
 * Constructor for netloc_network_t
 * User is responsible for calling the destructor on the handle.
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated pointer to the network information.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_network_t * netloc_dt_network_t_construct();

 * Destructor for netloc_network_t
 * \param network A valid network handle
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_network_t_destruct(netloc_network_t *network);

 * Copy Constructor for netloc_network_t
 * Allocates memory. User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param network A pointer to the network to duplicate
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated copy of the network.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_network_t * netloc_dt_network_t_dup(netloc_network_t *network);

 * Copy Function for netloc_network_t
 * Does not allocate memory for 'to'. Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param from A pointer to the network to duplicate
 * \param to A pointer to the network to duplicate into
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_network_t_copy(netloc_network_t *from, netloc_network_t *to);

 * JSON Encode the data
 * \param network A pointer to the network to process
 * Returns
 *   A valid json object representing the network information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC json_t* netloc_dt_network_t_json_encode(netloc_network_t *network);

 * JSON Decode the data
 * User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * \param json_nw A point to a valid json object representing the network information
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated network type filled in with the stored information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_network_t* netloc_dt_network_t_json_decode(json_t *json_nw);

 * Compare function for netloc_network_t
 * \param a A pointer to one network object for comparison
 * \param b A pointer to the other network object for comparison
 * Returns
 *  NETLOC_CMP_SAME if the same
 *  NETLOC_CMP_SIMILAR if only the metadata (e.g., version) is different
 *  NETLOC_CMP_DIFF if different
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_network_t_compare(netloc_network_t *a, netloc_network_t *b);


 * Constructor for netloc_edge_t
 * User is responsible for calling the destructor on the handle.
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated pointer to the edge information.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_edge_t * netloc_dt_edge_t_construct();

 * Destructor for netloc_edge_t
 * \param edge A valid edge handle
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_edge_t_destruct(netloc_edge_t *edge);

 * Copy Constructor for netloc_edge_t
 * Allocates memory. User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param edge A pointer to the edge to duplicate
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated copy of the edge.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_edge_t * netloc_dt_edge_t_dup(netloc_edge_t *edge);

 * Copy Function for netloc_edge_t
 * Does not allocate memory for 'to'. Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param from A pointer to the edge to duplicate
 * \param to A pointer to the edge to duplicate into
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_edge_t_copy(netloc_edge_t *from, netloc_edge_t *to);

 * JSON Encode the data
 * \param edge A pointer to the edge to process
 * Returns
 *   A valid json object representing the edge information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC json_t* netloc_dt_edge_t_json_encode(netloc_edge_t *edge);

 * JSON Decode the data
 * User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * \param json_edge A point to a valid json object representing the edge information
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated edge type filled in with the stored information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_edge_t* netloc_dt_edge_t_json_decode(json_t *json_edge);

 * Compare function for netloc_edge_t
 * \param a A pointer to one edge object for comparison
 * \param b A pointer to the other edge object for comparison
 * Returns
 *  NETLOC_CMP_SAME if the same
 *  NETLOC_CMP_DIFF if different
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_edge_t_compare(netloc_edge_t *a, netloc_edge_t *b);


 * Constructor for netloc_node_t
 * User is responsible for calling the destructor on the handle.
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated pointer to the network information.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_node_t * netloc_dt_node_t_construct();

 * Destructor for netloc_node_t
 * \param node A valid node handle
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_node_t_destruct(netloc_node_t *node);

 * Copy Constructor for netloc_node_t
 * Allocates memory. User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param node A pointer to the node to duplicate
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated copy of the node.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_node_t * netloc_dt_node_t_dup(netloc_node_t *node);

 * Copy Function for netloc_node_t
 * Does not allocate memory for 'to'. Does a shallow copy of the pointers to data.
 * \param from A pointer to the node to duplicate
 * \param to A pointer to the node to duplicate into
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_node_t_copy(netloc_node_t *from, netloc_node_t *to);

 * JSON Encode the data
 * This will -not- encode the path information
 * \param node A pointer to the node to process
 * Returns
 *   A valid json object representing the node information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC json_t* netloc_dt_node_t_json_encode(netloc_node_t *node);

 * JSON Decode the data
 * This will -not- decode the path information
 * User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * \param json_node A point to a valid json object representing the node information
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated node type filled in with the stored information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_node_t* netloc_dt_node_t_json_decode(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *edge_table, json_t *json_node);

 * JSON Encode the paths in the data structure
 * This -only- encodes the path information specified.
 * \param node A pointer to the node to process
 * \param paths A pointer to the paths data to process
 * Returns
 *   A valid json object representing the paths information for this node
NETLOC_DECLSPEC json_t* netloc_dt_node_t_json_encode_paths(netloc_node_t *node, netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *paths);

 * JSON Decode the paths in the data structure
 * This will -only- decode the path information
 * User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * \param json_all_paths A point to a valid json object representing the path information for a node
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated lookup table for the path information stored in the json object
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_dt_lookup_table_t * netloc_dt_node_t_json_decode_paths(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *edge_table, json_t *json_all_paths);

 * Compare function for netloc_node_t
 * \param a A pointer to one network object for comparison
 * \param b A pointer to the other network object for comparison
 * Returns
 *  NETLOC_CMP_SAME if the same
 *  NETLOC_CMP_DIFF if different
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_node_t_compare(netloc_node_t *a, netloc_node_t *b);

 * Convert a string MAC address (':' separated) into a whole number value
 * \param mac String MAC address
 * Returns
 *  whole number encoding of that value
NETLOC_DECLSPEC unsigned long netloc_dt_convert_mac_str_to_int(const char * mac);

 * Convert a value encoding a MAC address into a string representation (':' separated)
 * Caller is responsible for free'ing the pointer returned.
 * \param valu encoded value MAC address
 * Returns
 *  NULL on error
 *  otherwise string representation.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC char * netloc_dt_convert_mac_int_to_str(const unsigned long value);

 * Convert a string GUID address (':' separated) into a whole number value
 * \param guid String GUID address
 * Returns
 *  whole number encoding of that value
NETLOC_DECLSPEC unsigned long netloc_dt_convert_guid_str_to_int(const char * guid);

 * Convert a value encoding a GUID address into a string representation (':' separated)
 * Caller is responsible for free'ing the pointer returned.
 * \param valu encoded value GUID address
 * Returns
 *  NULL on error
 *  otherwise string representation.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC char * netloc_dt_convert_guid_int_to_str(const unsigned long value);

 * Datatype Support Functions for Lookup Tables

 * Copy a lookup table and all entries
 * Note that the pointers are copied for each entry. The user is responsible for reference counting.
 * \param from A pointer to the lookup table to duplicate
 * \param to A pointer to the lookup table to duplicate into
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_lookup_table_t_copy(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *from, netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *to);

 * JSON Encode the data
 * \param table A pointer to a lookup table
 * \param (*func) A function to encode the individual values
 * Returns
 *   A valid json object representing the lookup table information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC json_t* netloc_dt_lookup_table_t_json_encode(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table,
                                                             json_t* (*func)(const char * key, void *value));

 * JSON Decode the data
 * User is responsible for calling _destruct on the returned pointer.
 * \param json_lt A pointer to a valid json object representing the lookup table information
 * \param (*func) A function to decode the individual values
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated lookup table type filled in with the stored information
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_dt_lookup_table_t* netloc_dt_lookup_table_t_json_decode(json_t *json_lt,
                                                                               void * (*func)(const char *key, json_t* json_obj));


 * Constructor for a lookup table iterator
 * User is responsible for calling the destructor on the handle.
 * \param table The table to reference in this iterator
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated pointer to the lookup table iterator.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t *netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t_construct(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table);

 * Destructor for a lookup table iterator
 * \param table A valid lookup table iterator handle
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t_destruct(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti);

 * Lookup table API Functions

enum netloc_lookup_table_init_flag_e {
    /* Don't duplicate keys inside the table, assume the given string
     * will remain valid and unchanged during the entire table life.

 * Initialize the lookup table
 * The lookup table must have been memset'ed to 0 before calling this function.
 * \param table The lookup table to initialize
 * \param size Initial table size (will automaticly expand as necessary)
 * \param flags Flags to tune the table, OR'ed set of netloc_lookup_table_init_flag_e.
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_init(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table, size_t size, unsigned long flags);

 * Destroy a lookup table.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_destroy(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table);

 * Access the -allocated- size of the hash table
 * \param table A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * Returns
 *   The allocated size of the hash table
static inline int netloc_lookup_table_size_alloc(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table) {
    if( NULL == table ) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return table->ht_size;

 * Access the -used- size of the hash table
 * \param table A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * Returns
 *   The used size of the hash table
static inline int netloc_lookup_table_size(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *table) {
    if( NULL == table ) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return table->ht_used_size;

 * Append an entry to the hash table
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param value The pointer to associate with this key
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_append(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, void *value);

 * Append an entry to the hash table while specifying the integer key to use
 * (instead of calculating it)
 * Warning: This interface is only used internally at the moment.
 * Warning: In order for this interface to work, you must use all of the
 *          *_with_int() methods when interacting with this loopup table.
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param key_int The unique integer key used to find the data
 * \param value The pointer to associate with this key
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_append_with_int(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, unsigned long key_int, void *value);

 * Access an entry in the hash table
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * Returns
 *   NULL if nothing found
 *   The pointer stored from a prior call to netloc_lookup_table_append
NETLOC_DECLSPEC void * netloc_lookup_table_access(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key);

 * Access an entry to the hash table while specifying the integer key to use
 * (instead of calculating it)
 * Warning: This interface is only used internally at the moment.
 * Warning: In order for this interface to work, you must use all of the
 *          *_with_int() methods when interacting with this loopup table.
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param key_int The unique integer key used to find the data
 * Returns
 *   NULL if nothing found
 *   The pointer stored from a prior call to netloc_lookup_table_append
NETLOC_DECLSPEC void * netloc_lookup_table_access_with_int(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, unsigned long key_int);

 * Replace an entry in the hash table with the provided value
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param value The pointer to associate with this key
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_replace(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, void *value);

 * Replace an entry in the hash table with the provided value
 * while specifying the integer key to use (instead of calculating it)
 * Warning: This interface is only used internally at the moment.
 * Warning: In order for this interface to work, you must use all of the
 *          *_with_int() methods when interacting with this loopup table.
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param key_int The unique integer key used to find the data
 * \param value The pointer to associate with this key
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_replace_with_int(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, unsigned long key_int, void *value);

 * Remove an entry from the hash table.
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_remove(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key);

 * Remove an entry from the hash table.
 * while specifying the integer key to use (instead of calculating it)
 * Warning: This interface is only used internally at the moment.
 * Warning: In order for this interface to work, you must use all of the
 *          *_with_int() methods when interacting with this loopup table.
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
 * \param key The key used to find the data
 * \param key_int The unique integer key used to find the data
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR on error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_lookup_table_remove_with_int(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht, const char *key, unsigned long key_int);

 * Pretty print the lookup table to stdout (Debugging Support)
 * \param ht A valid pointer to a lookup table
NETLOC_DECLSPEC void netloc_lookup_table_pretty_print(netloc_dt_lookup_table_t *ht);

 * Get the next key and advance the iterator
 * The user should -not- call free() on the string returned.
 * \param hti A valid pointer to a lookup table iterator
 * Returns
 *   NULL if error or at end
 *   A newly allocated string copy of the key.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC const char * netloc_lookup_table_iterator_next_key(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti);

 * Get the next key and advance the iterator
 * \param hti A valid pointer to a lookup table iterator
 * Returns
 *   internal hash key, 0 if error
NETLOC_DECLSPEC unsigned long netloc_lookup_table_iterator_next_key_int(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti);

 * Get the next entry and advance the iterator
 * Similar to netloc_lookup_table_iterator_next_key() except the caller is
 * given the next value directly. So they do not need to call the 
 * netloc_lookup_table_access() function to access the value.
 * \param hti A valid pointer to a lookup table iterator
 * Returns
 *   NULL if error or at end
 *   The pointer stored from a prior call to netloc_lookup_table_append
NETLOC_DECLSPEC void * netloc_lookup_table_iterator_next_entry(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti);

 * Check if we are at the end of the iterator
 * \param hti A valid pointer to a lookup table iterator
 * Returns
 *   true if at the end of the data, false otherwise
static inline bool netloc_lookup_table_iterator_at_end(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti) {
    return hti->at_end;

 * Reset the iterator back to the start
 * \param hti A valid pointer to a lookup table iterator
static inline void netloc_lookup_table_iterator_reset(netloc_dt_lookup_table_iterator_t* hti) {
    hti->loc = 0;
    hti->at_end = false;

 * Network Metadata API Functions
 * Pretty print the network (Debugging Support)
 * The user is responsible for calling free() on the string returned.
 * \param network A valid pointer to a network
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated string representation of the network.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC char * netloc_pretty_print_network_t(netloc_network_t* network);

 * Pretty print the edge (Debugging Support)
 * The user is responsible for calling free() on the string returned.
 * \param edge A valid pointer to an edge
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated string representation of the edge.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC char * netloc_pretty_print_edge_t(netloc_edge_t* edge);

 * Pretty print the node (Debugging Support)
 * The user is responsible for calling free() on the string returned.
 * \param node A valid pointer to a node
 * Returns
 *   A newly allocated string representation of the node.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC char * netloc_pretty_print_node_t(netloc_node_t* node);

 * Find a specific network at the URI specified.
 * \param network_topo_uri URI to search for the specified network.
 * \param network  Netloc network handle (IN/OUT)
 *                 A network handle with the data structure fields set to
 *                 specify the search. For example, the user can set 'IB'
 *                 and nothing else, if they do not know the subnet or any
 *                 of the other necessary information. If the method
 *                 returns success then the network handle will be filled
 *                 out with the rest of the information found. If the method
 *                 returns some error then the network handle is not modified.
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS if exactly one network matches the specification,
 *                  and updates the network handle.
 *   NETLOC_ERROR_MULTIPLE if more than one network matches the spec.
 *   NETLOC_ERROR_EMPTY if no networks match the specification.
 *   NETLOC_ERROR_NOENT if the directory does not exist.
 *   NETLOC_ERROR_NOTDIR if the data_dir is not a directory.
 *   NETLOC_ERROR if something else is wrong.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_find_network(const char * network_topo_uri,
                                        netloc_network_t* network);

 * Find all available networks in the specified URIs
 * User is responsible for calling the destructor for each element of the networks array
 * paramater, then free() on the entire array.
 * \param search_uris Array of URIs. file:// syntax is the only supported mechanism
 *                    at the moment. Array is searched for .dat files. All uris will
 *                    be searched. If NULL is supplied then the default search path
 *                    will be used (currently the CWD).
 * \param num_uris Size of the search_uris array.
 * \param (*func) A callback function triggered for each network found the user
 *                is provided an opportunity to decide if it should be included
 *                in the "networks" array or not. "net" is a handle to the
 *                network information (includes uri where it was found).
 *                If the callback returns non-zero then the entry is added to
 *                the networks array. If the callback returns 0 then the entry
 *                is not added to the networks array. If NULL is supplied as 
 *                an argument for this function pointer then all networks are
 *                included in the array.
 * \param funcdata User specified data pointer to be passed to the callback function.
 * \param num_networks Size of the networks array.
 * \param networks An array of networks discovered.
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR otherwise
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_foreach_network(const char * const * search_uris,
                                             int num_uris,
                                             int (*func)(const netloc_network_t *network, void *funcdata),
                                             void *funcdata,
                                             int *num_networks,
                                             netloc_network_t ***networks);

 * Topology API Functions
 * Attach to the specified network, and allocate a topology handle.
 * User is responsible for calling netloc_detach on the topology handle.
 * The network parameter information is deep copied into the topology handle, so the
 * user may destruct the network handle after calling this function and/or reuse
 * the network handle.
 * \param topology A pointer to a netloc_topology_t handle.
 * \param network The netloc_network_t handle from a prior call to either:
 *                - netloc_find_network()
 *                - netloc_foreach_network()
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_attach(netloc_topology_t * topology, netloc_network_t network);

 * Detach from a topology handle
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a netloc_topology_t handle created from a prior call to netloc_attach().
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_detach(netloc_topology_t topology);

 * Refresh the data associated with the topology.
 * Note: This interface is not currently implemented.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a netloc_topology_t handle created from a prior call to netloc_attach().
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_refresh(netloc_topology_t topology);

 * Query API Functions
 * Access a reference to the netloc_network_t associated with the netloc_topology_t
 * The user should -not- call the netloc_network_t's destructor on the reference returned.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * Returns
 *   A reference to the netloc_network_t associtated with the topology
 *   NULL on error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_network_t* netloc_access_network_ref(netloc_topology_t topology);

 * Get all nodes in the network topology
 * The user is responsible for calling the lookup table destructor on the nodes table.
 * The user should -not- call the netloc_node_t's destructor on the elements in the lookup table.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param nodes A lookup table of the nodes requested
 *              Keys in the table are the physical_id's of the netloc_node_t's
 *              The values are pointers to netloc_node_t's
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_get_all_nodes(netloc_topology_t topology, netloc_dt_lookup_table_t **nodes);

 * Get only switch nodes in the network topology
 * The user is responsible for calling the lookup table destructor on the nodes table.
 * The user should -not- call the netloc_node_t's destructor on the elements in the lookup table.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param nodes A lookup table of the nodes requested
 *              Keys in the table are the physical_id's of the netloc_node_t's
 *              The values are pointers to netloc_node_t's
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_get_all_switch_nodes(netloc_topology_t topology, netloc_dt_lookup_table_t **nodes);

 * Get only host nodes in the network topology
 * The user is responsible for calling the lookup table destructor on the nodes table.
 * The user should -not- call the netloc_node_t's destructor on the elements in the lookup table.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param nodes A lookup table of the nodes requested
 *              Keys in the table are the physical_id's of the netloc_node_t's
 *              The values are pointers to netloc_node_t's
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_get_all_host_nodes(netloc_topology_t topology, netloc_dt_lookup_table_t **nodes);

 * Get all of the edges from the specified node in the network topology.
 * There should be one edge for every active port on this node.
 * The user should not free the array, neither its elements.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param node A valid pointer to a netloc_node_t from which to get the edges.
 * \param num_edges The number of edges in the edges array.
 * \param edges An array of netloc_edge_t's
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_get_all_edges(netloc_topology_t topology,
                                         netloc_node_t *node,
                                         int *num_edges,
                                         netloc_edge_t ***edges);

 * Access the netloc_node_t pointer given a physical_id
 * The user should -not- call the destructor on the returned value.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param phy_id The physical_id to search for
 * Returns
 *   A pointer to the netloc_node_t with the specified physical_id
 *   or NULL if the physical_id is not found.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC netloc_node_t * netloc_get_node_by_physical_id(netloc_topology_t topology, const char * phy_id);

 * Get the "path" from the source to the destination as an ordered array of netloc_edge_t's
 * The user is responsible for calling free() on the allocated array, but -not- the elements in the array.
 * Note: A large API change is in the works for v1.0 that will change how we represent path data.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param src_node A valid pointer to the source node
 * \param dst_node A valid pointer to the destination node
 * \param num_edges The number of edges in the path array.
 * \param path An ordered array of netloc_edge_t's from the source to the destination
 * \param is_logical If the path should represent the logical or the physical path information.
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_get_path(const netloc_topology_t topology,
                                    netloc_node_t *src_node,
                                    netloc_node_t *dst_node,
                                    int *num_edges,
                                    netloc_edge_t ***path,
                                    bool is_logical);

 * Export API Functions
 * Exports the network topology to a GraphML formatted file.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param filename The filename to write the data to
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_topology_export_graphml(netloc_topology_t topology, const char * filename);

 * Exports the network topology to a GEXF formatted file.
 * \param topology A valid pointer to a topology handle
 * \param filename The filename to write the data to
 * Returns
 *   NETLOC_SUCCESS on success
 *   NETLOC_ERROR upon an error.
NETLOC_DECLSPEC int netloc_topology_export_gexf(netloc_topology_t topology, const char * filename);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif // _NETLOC_H_

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